
Saturday, February 22, 2014

I/D# 1: Unit N Concept 7 : Knowing All Degrees and Radians Around the Unit Circle, Knowing All the Ordered Pairs Around the Unit Circle, Understanding and Applying ASTC to the Unit Circle

30 Degrees Triangle 

45 Degrees Triangle 

60 Degrees Triangle & The Unit Circle

The coolest thing I learned from this activity was… the special right triangles that we learned about in geometry (which was way back in freshmen year) is actually related to the Unit Circles we began learning about sophomore year. I now know that the ordered pairs aren't just numbers put together randomly, I understand where these numbers come from.
This activity will help me in this unit because…I understand where these numbers come from when it comes down to labeling all ordered pairs. I am able to figure out how to get these ordered pairs if I ever forget what goes where. I can just draw my triangles and solve them to find my ordered pairs.
Something I never realized before about special right triangles and the unit circle is…that they are related. When I first started learning about special right triangles I thought it was going to be something that we just learned and weren't going to go back on it and use it later on like we do when we learned algebra. We are actually taking what we learned about special right triangles in geometry and finding the ordered pairs of them for the Unit Circles we are now learning about in Math Analysis (Pre-Calculus).

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