This problem is taking all that we've learned in Unit E and putting it all together. We take each concept and apply it in each step. The first step we get our equation and factor it out. The next step we find our end behavior, we do our dance to remember end behaviors. Our end behaviors helps us figure out what way the arrows will be heading in our graph. on Our 3rd step we take our zeroes from the factored equation. We take the multiplicity from them (Remember T B C(thru, bounce, curve)). Then, lastly, we find the y-intercept. We plug in 0 to all of our x's to find that.
Pay close attention to what the multiplicity is! The multiplicity will tell you whether the line goes thru, bounces, or curves thru the x-intercepts. If its 1 it goes thru the point, if its 2 it bounces off the point, and if its 3 it curves thru the point.
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